YOU and Your Own Universe by Silviu Pristavu Embark on a transformative journey within. Explore the profound wisdom of “YOU and Your Own Universe,” revealing the power of consciousness to shape reality. This guide offers insights for a purposeful life, unlocking the potential to create and manifest in alignment with the universal flow.
Why Know the Significance of the Film ‘Royal Love Story From The Grave’? by Kevin Douglas Wright
Why Know the Significance of the Film ‘Royal Love Story From The Grave’? by Kevin Douglas Wright Why Know the Significance of the Film ‘Royal Love Story From The Grave’? tells the true story of how Kevin Douglas Wright’s very first film project came to be a feature-length movie that he produced, wrote, and directed […]
You Do You by Daphne McDonagh
You Do You by Daphne McDonagh Daphne McDonagh shares her life experiences with you and hopes you may find that one nugget in her story to assist you on your journey. For everyone that has struggled through life and felt they could not be themselves. Yes, tragic and horrible things happen, but you do not […]
As A Child: God’s Call to Littleness by Phil Steer
As A Child: God’s Call to Littleness by Phil Steer A small but profound book that unpacks Jesus’ deeply challenging statements about ‘becoming like little children’, one word at a time. A welcome message for the worn-out and tired Christian, this book will open your eyes to remembering that beautiful state of childlike wonder.
Finding Heaven In The Dark by William L. Ingram
Finding Heaven In The Dark by William L. Ingram FINDING HEAVEN IN THE DARK – A MEMOIR ABOUT LIFE’S MEANING The Story of a Boy’s Journey from Rebellion To Redemption.
Reflekt by Kaden James
Reflekt by Kaden James “Honest and enlightening quotes and poems that allow you to reflect on your life and how important it is to live life to the fullest. What’s amazing is the space Kaden gives you to respond to after each poem, story or quote in any way you choose.” Author & Wellness Life […]
Success Reinvention by Dr. Harvey Castro, MD
Success Reinvention by Dr. Harvey Castro, MD “Fantastic book by a real person who had to achieve success without it being handed to him. He acknowledges the wonderful blessing he had of a determined mother and their faith in the Lord to shape his life. This book can help you get on, or back on […]
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Lawrence Wallace
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Lawrence Wallace A Practical Guide to Mental and Emotional Freedom! [Take action now and own this book for a limited time discount!] Feeling lost about how to effectively treat disturbing intrusive thoughts? You’re not alone! This book contains brilliant advice from a former sufferer of anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts. Inspired […]