The One Week Writing Workshop by Karin Adams Write the novel that you were meant to write and get started today! The One Week Writing Workshop:7 Days to Spark, Boost or Revive Your Novel is a writing-workshop-in-a-book that you can toss in your bag and take with you wherever you go. Aspiring writers will gain […]
Featured Book: Stop Overthinking. How To Control Your Thoughts by Louise Jeffrey
About Featured Book: Stop Overthinking. How To Control Your Thoughts by Louise Jeffrey Are you trapped in endless thoughts of worry and self-doubt? Does your mind seem to have a life of its own, cycling through worst-case scenarios or reminding you of past mistakes? Are you struggling to calm the chaotic mind and break free […]
Breaking The Silence: Confronting Guilt and Shame in the Chronic Pain World by Deb Morgan
Breaking The Silence: Confronting Guilt and Shame in the Chronic Pain World by Deb Morgan “Breaking The Silence Receives A 5-Star Editorial Book Review Awarded By Reader’s Favorite 2024!” Deb Morgan, the author of the Amazon best-selling memoir “Graceful Agony: An Intimate Memoir of Living with Fibro & Chronic Fatigue,” has published a new book […]
Declutter Guide by Ariel Benet Savant
Declutter Guide by Ariel Benet Savant Trying to get organized with all the piles? Are you feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start? Tired of hiding behind the mess? Let’s face it: clutter is a big problem, and I can help guide you. This guide lays out a detailed, step-by-step action plan that can […]
Education Aggravation by Leslie K. Brooks
Education Aggravation by Leslie K. Brooks A retired teacher’s take on our failing education system from the inside. Honest and controversial, Education Aggravation examines the roles of the various actors and elements: students, teachers, parents, administration, politicians, money, media and technology. What is happening in our schools? Do schools prepare students for “real” life? How? […]
Investing in Real Estate in Your Self-Directed IRA by Gabrielle Dahms
Investing in Real Estate in Your Self-Directed IRA by Gabrielle Dahms Worried about financial security in your retirement years? Discover how self-directed IRAs can fuel amazing investment returns for you. Dejected because you still haven’t started saving that nest egg? Want to steer your retirement plan’s performance out of the slow lane? Need to know […]
JUST IN CASE SOLUTIONS by Wendy Michelle Just In Case Solutions is a comprehensive workbook that literally walks you through the organizational process to record and deliver all the essential information. Each of the 10 easy steps are expansive to many details within the topic covering all the basic items connected with your daily/monthly routines, […]
Building Web Apps with WordPress by Brian Messenlehner
Building Web Apps with WordPress by Brian Messenlehner This is a technical book about the inner-workings of the popular open source software called WordPress which powers over 30% of the websites on the internet. Compare WordPress with traditional app development frameworks Use themes for views and plugins for backend functionality Get suggestions for choosing or […]
Summary & Analysis of The Talent Code by ZIP Reads
Summary & Analysis of The Talent Code by ZIP Reads Daniel Coyle’s The Talent Code: Greatness isn’t born. It’s grown. Here’s how debunks the myth of innate talent using brain science. Coyle shares his conversations with different brain specialists and his itinerary through “tiny places that produce Everest-size amounts of talent.” In his fact-finding mission, […]