The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: Jade the Youngest Ever Witch by Wallace Briggs The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: Jade, the Youngest Ever Witch is the fifth stand alone adventure in the series of Jimmy Crikey’s adventure stories. Jimmy is the alien orphan who, despite being bullied, chose to make his home on Earth and grew […]
The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: The Emerald Lake by Wallace Briggs
The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: The Emerald Lake by Wallace Briggs This is a stand-alone, fourth in series, The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey, the alien orphan who, despite cruel bullying, decided to make his home on Earth. He numbers among his friends the four witch guardians of Earth’s realms and the ancient Lord Oron, aka […]
Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in the Sky Islands by Wallace Briggs
Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in the Sky Islands by Wallace Briggs Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in the Sky Islands This stand-alone story is the second in the series of Jimmy Crikey’s adventures. Jimmy Crikey is the orphan alien brought up by a loving lady who lived on the edge of the forest close to Esh Village. Once […]
Air: Merlin’s Chalice by Meredith Bond
Air: Merlin’s Chalice by Meredith Bond People are never what they seem. Scai thought she was safe in her little Welsh village—until the people turned on her, threatening to burn her as a witch. Scai thought that knights in shining armor were handsome young men—until an old man with funny ideas rescued her. Scai thought […]
The Viking’s Apprentice by Kevin McLeod
The Viking’s Apprentice by Kevin McLeod The Viking’s Apprentice is a permafree book now on Amazon and other retailers. What would you do if you discovered nothing was as you thought, and the fate of your friends, perhaps even the world was in your hands? That’s the reality Peter must face in this award-winning middle […]