White Death by George A Bernstein Detective Al Warner is back at work, recovered from his deadly final encounter that ended the hunt for The Prom Dress Killer. Meanwhile, Ashton Kerry is furious his in-laws, who both died in a flaming boating accident, left him nothing in their will—but his wife’s massive trust fund provides […]
Visiting Lilly by Toni Allen
Visiting Lilly by Toni Allen Why should a man at a Surrey police station go ballistic because someone tries to visit Lilly, his elderly grandmother? Detective Inspector Jake Talbot is intrigued, and this little puzzle might serve to distract him from sorrows of a Christmas past. Soon he is entangled with Frankie, an odd young […]
Juicy Jersey by Lizz Lund
Juicy Jersey by Lizz Lund Summertime, and the living is… not as easy as Mina had hoped. But, she finally has a full-time job, working alongside her new boyfriend, Jack (that is, Chef Jacque, when they’re at Squirrel Run Acres.) That’s good, right? Except that poor Mina and Jack have been working together a lot […]