Princess of Sky, Earth, Fire and Water by Cassandra Finnerty In 1772, amidst the ancient ruins and standing stones of western Ireland, a young woman inherits an army, a fleet of ships, and special powers. To keep her magic, she journeys to the East Kingdom and meets her greatest challenge — a warrior prince whose […]
Mules; Masters & Mud by G J Griffiths
Mules; Masters & Mud by G J Griffiths WARNING! This book may contain NUTS! (Non-Uniform Text Speech) In other words speech in what some have called “Olde English Vernacular”. It is spoken by characters in the book from the North, the Midlands and the South of England. There is a glossary at the end of […]
Pianist in a Bordello by Mike C. Erickson
Pianist in a Bordello by Mike C. Erickson Pianist in a Bordello What would happen if a politician decided to tell the truth—the whole truth? Richard Youngblood, aspiring Congressman, is about to find out. He’s running on a platform of honesty and transparency—and against the advice of his friends and advisers he’s decided to start […]