RUN GIRL RUN by Willow Rose Willow Rose’s beloved detective, Harry Hunter is back in this thrilling second installment of the bestselling series. When a mother and her child are pulled out of the harbor in their car, the case seems pretty straightforward for Miami PD and Detective Harry Hunter. Everything points to a murder-suicide. […]
The Milkman: Book I by Greg Buck
The Milkman: Book I by Greg Buck If you were offered $10,000 dollars to make someone ‘disappear’, what would you do? Jesse Hardner is nineteen years old and working as a milk man to support himself through college. Since an accident which killed his father and injured his mother, Jesse has also taken on the […]
Seduction of Guilt by Emma Calin
Seduction of Guilt by Emma Calin Sexy but alone Helen Marx is a cop too guilty to love. Sexy but alone Marco Ambastilias is the world’s greatest opera star too guilty to sing. When their guilt collides their bodies betray their needs in a climax worthy of theatre, worthy of love. Widowed as a bride, […]
Vardin Homecoming by Maggie Spence
Vardin Homecoming by Maggie Spence Six former friends from Vardin Village reluctantly reunite eight years after the devastating homecoming weekend that tore apart their lifelong friendship. When they were seniors at Vardin Village High, they weren’t supposed to be in the abandoned Butler Building after the homecoming dance but the adventure seemed harmless enough… until […]
The Cronian Incident by Matthew Williams
The Cronian Incident by Matthew Williams Disgraced investigator, Jeremiah Ward, once worked the Martian beat, now he’s serving out his sentence in a mining colony on Mercury. His golden opportunity arises when a member of a powerful faction on Titan vanishes and Ward is promised, in exchange for investigating this man’s disappearance, a clean slate […]