Escape to Osprey Cove by Luisa Marietta Gold The mystery begins with an unusual find in the secret compartment of Doug’s new Corvette, changing his and Catherine’s life forever. Doug’s mysterious behavior afterward forces Catherine to escape to The Osprey Cove Lodge, where she finds something even more valuable. The series spans seven geographic locations, […]
Sunshine and Starfish by Regina Walker
Sunshine and Starfish by Regina Walker Jane Everly was born and raised in a small town along the coast of North Carolina, where she lives and runs her own small pet store. She walks the beach after work most days, wakes early to watch the sunrise from her porch, and feels content with her life. […]
The Perfect Spy: A Clean Romantic Suspense (An Untapped Source Book 1) by Amy Martinsen
The Perfect Spy: A Clean Romantic Suspense (An Untapped Source Book 1) by Amy Martinsen She’s got the best undercover crew. But will a sinister secret undo them? Kate Ross has lost way too much in the last six months. With her mother’s death from breast cancer, an agent she handled killed on the job, […]